Författaren Elena Ferrantes identitet avslöjad - Expressen


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Oct 4, 2016 Elena Ferrante is no longer just Elena Ferrante. her identity more newsworthy than it was when she first started writing under a pseudonym. Jul 25, 2018 still had no idea of the real identity of author Elena Ferrante despite more speculation about the writer, who uses Ferrante as a pseudonym. Sep 18, 2018 The mysterious Elena Ferrante, whose identity has never been revealed for sure ('Elena Ferrante' is a pseudonym; last year, an investigative  Nov 15, 2018 “My Brilliant Friend,” HBO's adaptation of author Elena Ferrante's four-book Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym for the books' reclusive author. Oct 7, 2016 Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym and her identity has been a source of great speculation, especially as her books have become international  Aug 27, 2015 have made Ferrante, an enigmatic figure who writes under a pseudonym, and Elena Ferrante: Naples is a space containing all my primary,  Jan 8, 2017 My review of the second book in Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Series Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym that the author employs to retain her  Nov 18, 2016 A few weeks ago the Italian investigative journalist Claudio Gatti claimed to have unmasked Ferrante by dislodging her pseudonym and  Oct 4, 2016 Gatti, claims to have established through his research and some evidence at his disposal that Ferrante is a pen name for Anita Raja, a Rome-  Oct 5, 2016 Devoted fans upset with the work of Italian investigative journalist Claudio Gatti for "outing" Anita Raja as the writer behind the Elena Ferrante  Nov 20, 2016 This essay looks at the “outing” of well-known Italian writer, Elena Ferrante, who famously writes under a pseudonym, and considers the  Oct 5, 2015 They must—I imagine—be especially amusing for all their speculation surrounding her identity; “Ferrante” after all is a pen name. Reading  Oct 11, 2016 The results of a linguistic research group also indicate that Starnone could carry the pen name Elena Ferrante. Our stylometric analysis allows to  6.

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Den italienska författaren har inte trätt fram på nästan 25 år och under senare år har nyfikenheten förstås blivit ännu – Det Ferrante har gjort är att ge röst åt hur de är att leva som kvinna i den här medelhavsvärlden, i Neapel. Och hon har gjort det så att Lila och Elenas öden förmår beröra alla. Namn: Elena Ferrante (pseudonym) Född: 1943 i Napoli. Utgivna böcker: Debut 1991 med ”L’amore modesta”. Elena Ferrante’s Right to a Pseudonym. The journalist who claimed to uncover the Italian novelist’s “true” identity violated a time-honored means of protecting creativity: copyright law. Elena Ferrante är fantastiskt duktig på att skriva vackert om det som är otroligt fult, och att skriva otroligt fult om sådant som kan tyckas vackert.

Febr. 2018 Die Bücher von Elena Ferrante sind Weltbestseller.

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Hon är främst känd via sin romansvit  Elena Ferrante, en pseudonym känd världen över för sin Neapelkvartett om Elena och Lila, debuterade redan 1992 med den korta romanen  Nåja, Elena Ferrante har ju skrivit ett antal böcker innan Napoli Om Kistalight siar om vem som ligger bakom författar pseudonymen tror vi att  Den formidabla succén med Elena Ferrantes fyra romaner om Att Elena Ferrante är en pseudonym, och att författaren valt att inte framträda  Elena Ferrante är en pseudonym, och än vet ingen vem som döljer sig bakom namnet. Klart står i alla fall att hennes storslagna romanepos om fyra böcker tagit  Elena Ferrante är en pseudonym och det är osäkert vem som döljer sig bakom den, även om det finns många teorier.

Elena Ferrantes förläggare kallar avslöjandet ”vidrigt” - DN.SE

Her four-book series of Neapolitan Novels are her most widely known works..

Initially, she  Oct 2, 2016 For twenty-four years, Ferrante has managed to remain hidden behind a pen name apparently chosen to echo that of another great Italian writer,  Among the many anticipated new books this fall is the latest novel by Elena Ferrante, The Lying Life of Adults. Elena Ferrante is a pseudonym for an Italian  “Regardless of who is behind the name Elena Ferrante, the mysterious pseudonym used by the author of the Neapolitan novels, two things are certain: she is a  An Open Letter to Elena Ferrante—Whoever You Are. The pseudonymous author has said all along that her identity lies in her writing. I've followed the literary  Elena Ferrante is the pseudonym of an Italian novelist. Ferrante's books, originally published in Italian, have been translated Oct 4, 2016 Italian reporter Claudio Gatti claims to have finally discovered the woman behind the Elena Ferrante pseudonym.
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The rumors that have surrounded the identity of author Elena Ferrante are not unlike petty teenage gossip, but that hasn’t kept them from circulating, especially this month, as the final book in her critically lauded Neapolitan novels has been released in English. If you haven’t read the stories, you should, and if you haven’t heard of them yet, you will soon. 2014-09-06 2016-10-05 2019-09-11 2019-10-14 2016-10-20 But the enigmatic figure — ”Elena Ferrante” is a pseudonym, as she’s never revealed herself publicly — writes on her own timeline. “She writes for herself. When she thinks that the Abstract Using Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels as case study, this article presents a cognitive approach to fictionality and authorial intention using Text World Theory and Mind-Modelling.

Publicerad 2015-09-14 Elena Ferrantes namn sprider sig som en feber men författarens identitet är fortfarande okänd. Ferrante har gjort pseudonymen het igen. av Kristina Kappelin. Den här veckan släpps vårens mest hajpade roman – Min fantastiska väninna av Elena Ferrante.
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Senaste nyheterna om Elena Ferrante - gp.se

[1] [2] The Neapolitan Novels tell the life story of two perceptive and intelligent girls born in Naples in 1944, who try to create lives for themselves within a violent and stultifying culture. Elena Ferrante is a woman without a face, whose identity is known only to her Italian publisher, E/O. Her name is a pseudonym, its sound a discreet homage to the great Italian novelist Elsa Morante, author of “Arturo's Island” — whose work, Ferrante says here, she has always appreciated. In 1991, on the eve of the publication of her first novel, Troubling Love, Elena Ferrante sent a letter to her publisher explaining her decision to use a pseudonym and make no public appearances Sandro Ferri and Sandra Ozzola, the founders of the publishing house, must have been keen on retaining Starnone among their authors, but Starnone—perhaps because of contractual obligations, perhaps by choice—decided to continue to publish under his real name for Feltrinelli and under the pseudonym of Ferrante for E/O. The remarkable cult of Elena Ferrante.

Recension: Ferrante om Ferrante av Elena Ferrante

Det stormar rejält efter avslöjandet om vem som sannolikt ligger bakom pseudonymen Elena Ferrante, författare till bland annat "Min fantastiska väninna". Fansens hyllningar till den utpekade, Rombaserade översättaren Anita Rajas , har helt överskuggats av raseriet mot den italienska journalist som spårat henne. Der Journalist Claudio Gatti hat das Pseudonym von Erfolgsautorin Elena Ferrante gelüftet. Jetzt ist die Empörung groß. Und wieso? Weil wir nicht mehr wissen, was privat ist und was öffentlich. 2014-10-15 · Over the past two decades Elena Ferrante – a pseudonym, of course – has become one of her country’s most exciting and compelling contemporary literary voices.

Weil wir nicht mehr wissen, was privat ist und was öffentlich. 2014-10-15 · Over the past two decades Elena Ferrante – a pseudonym, of course – has become one of her country’s most exciting and compelling contemporary literary voices.