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East Capital Asset Management SA -4.18% East Capital Global Frontier Markets Fund. LU1125674538. 12/12/2014. East Capital … East Capital Global Frontier Markets - To provide long-term capital growth through exposure to companies located in frontier markets throughout the world. Long-term perspective, fundamental analysis and active stock-picking are three main pillars of our investment philosophy.

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We believe frontier markets are the next generation of emerging markets. In our quest to find the best investments, we are now taking an increasingly global perspective by launching East Capital (Lux) Frontier Markets Fund, investing in frontier markets around the world. The frontier universe comprises a variety of different countries spanning East Capital Global Frontier Mkts A SEK. Översikt Historik Betyg & risk Fondfakta Hållbarhet Kategori: Kurs: Avkastning i år: Risk: Morningstar Rating™ Tillväxtmarknadsfonder: 136,53 SEK: 5,42 %: 5: Jämför Köp Utveckling och avkastning. 5,42% i år 1 day ago Invest SICAV-SIF – Emerging and Frontier Markets SMID. LU0861987385. 02/01/2013. Danske Invest Management Co SA/Luxembourg.

East Capital Ett långsiktigt perspektiv, grundläggande analys och fokus på aktivt val av aktier är tre grundstenar i East Capitals investeringsfilosofi. Fonden ska investera åtminstone 75 procent av sina tillgångar direkt eller indirekt i aktier eller aktierelaterade värdepapper i bolag belägna på frontiermarknader eller som bedriver en väsentlig del av sin ekonomiska verksamhet där. All information om East Capital Global Frontier Mkts A SEK: Innehav, utveckling, risk och betyg.

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Upphandlingen. East Capital (Lux) Frontier Markets Fund. The fund has a global focus on young and growing markets in order to gain exposure to an emerging middle class and domestic consumption.

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Price (SEK) 139.63. Today's Change 1.88 / 1.37%.

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Global Frontier Markets Equity. Morningstar category. As of Apr 02 2021.
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Performance charts for East Capital - Global Frontier Markets Fund (ECFREUR) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines.

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East Capital (Lux) Frontier Markets Fund.

Global Frontier Markets Equity +6.78%-2.44% +36.74% +14.57% +1.86% +0.54%: Fund quartile: 1st: 2nd East Capital Global Frontier Markets Fund is an open-end fund incorporated in Luxembourg. The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long-term capital growth through exposure to companies East Capital Global Frontier Markets A USD + Add to watchlist. LU1125674538:USD.