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Norwegian Visma has nearly perfectly mastered consistent communication of its activities. They have incorporated this into their own product design language, called Nordic Cool. Drawing on Nordic tradition, it describes Visma’s approach to communication in three words: clear, refined, and reduced. Norwegian Visma has nearly perfectly mastered consistent communication of its activities. They have incorporated this into their own product design language, called Nordic Cool. Drawing on Nordic tradition, it describes Visma’s approach to communication in three words: clear, refined, and reduced. Nytt gränssnitt Nordic Cool för Visma.net Approval publiceras idag 23 augusti.

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Nordic Peak har redan idag omkring 140 svenska kommuner bland sina kunder. ‒ Det här kompletterar vårt redan starka erbjudande till offentlig sektor. Flygstolen Nordic en framgångssaga i flygresebraschen. Hon startade företaget hemma i köket med föräldrarnas hus som pant för startkapitalet på en halv miljon kronor. I januari 2016 var Flygstolen Nordic 38 anställda och omsatte kring 1,6 miljarder kronor under 2015.

Drawing on Nordic tradition, it describes Visma’s approach to communication in three words: clear, refined, and reduced.

Benify Sandvik - villanives.it
